Ulusal Üniversite Şirketi Shizuoka Üniversitesi

Japonya, Şizuoka , 836, Ohya, Suruga-ku

1949'da kuruldu.

Burs: Kamu
Akreditasyon: Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Sınıflar 3
Diller 2
Bölümler 16
  • Kayıt ayrıntıları: For applicants to undergraduate programmes: 12-year education course certificate, Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students, Sufficient level in Japanese language. For applicants to graduate programmes, conditions are the same except that a 16-year education course is requested (or 15-year education course plus recommandation from the university after evaluation of the academic records).

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