Han Geleneksel Tıp Üniversitesi

2001 yılında Asya Tıp Araştırmaları Enstitüsü olarak kuruldu. Edinilmiş statü ve unvan 2006.

Burs: Özel
Akreditasyon: Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Sınıflar 1
Bölümler 1
  • Akupunktur ve Oryantal Tıp Kursu/Programı
  • Kayıt ayrıntıları: Two (2) years of accredited college or university study (90 quarter credits or 60 semester credits).n• Ninety (90) hours of Anatomy and Physiology from an accredited college or university Anatomy and Physiology can be taken as a Co-Requisite during the first academic year with either Masters program.n• College biology, chemistry and microbiology which can be taken as a Co-Requisite during the first year of study.

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